Vaisakhi Festival

Vaisakhi Festival. It includes vibrant processions, folk. The festival gained religious significance for sikhs.

Vaisakhi Festival

It was originally a spring harvest celebration observed in the northern indian state of punjab. It is the sikh new year festival and is celebrated on april 13 or 14.

It Also Marks The Birth Of The.

Vaisakhi is a historic harvest festival celebrated in the punjab region by all punjabis, regardless of faith.

Sikh Children Tell Us How They're Celebrating Vaisakhi.

Vaisakhi is also known as baisakhi.

Vaisakhi Is A Spring Festival Which Happens.

Images References :

Sikhs All Over The World Celebrate The Festival Of Baisakhi, A Holiday With A Special Religious Significance, Observed Each Year On April 13 Or 14.

Sikh children tell us how they're celebrating vaisakhi.

The Festival Gained Religious Significance For Sikhs.

Baisakhi, also known as vaisakhi, represents the vibrant culture of punjab and north per the hindu lunisolar calendar, baisakhi.

It Also Marks The Birth Of The.